
LPT: When filling out applications online, make sure you copy responses which typically take a long time to write, and paste them to a text file. You never know when you could get a server timeout.

Jail guards checking suspect's poop for stolen diamonds


If unicorns existed they would probably be Australian and that horn would be highly venomous

Judge sides with school that uses electric shocks on its students

LPT: Put your shoe (or cell phone, wallet, work-badge, etc.) together with the child in the car seat so you never leave them inside.

Bruh them sensitive teeth too.

Pizza is a real time pie chart showing how much pizza is left.

LPT: if you're in a grocery store and someone is stocking shelves, but not in a uniform then don't ask them where something is. They are a vendor.

Tech Elites Recreate Burning Man Inside Their Living Rooms

Ouch my finger

Whenever you swat and kill, or miss a fly, you are enforcing survival of the fittest and possibly changing the future evolution of all flies.

Russians purchased 500,000 baseball bats in one year — but only one ball: report

Slow internet..

LPT: When looking at potential homes to live in areas you know nothing about, go into YELP, and search “check cashing” and count how many are in the area. It gives you a pretty good financial demographic breakdown block by block.

In theory, theory is the same as practice, but in practice, theory isn't the same as practice.

Hospital Charges $18,000 For Baby Who Took A Nap And Drank Formula In ER

Viva la revolución

LPT: When leaving the bank with a large sum of cash, be sure to take a cup of the complimentary coffee. If a thief tries to make you as an easy mark you can throw the scalding beverage in their face.

Removing filters will be the future version of colorizing photos.

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

At least they tried..

LPT: Use a screenshot of electronic tickets instead of pulling up the internet. It saves battery and prevents last minute connectivity issues.

Each time you kill a spider the spider gene pool becomes sneakier and deadlier.

Burrito-eating driver crashes in Oregon, deputies say: Snack is 'only casualty'

A Regular Problem

LPT: When you're needing to call a business whether it be for help or problem etc. Always greet the person repeating their name back to them and they will always be more open to help you and usually extra nice.

The fact that socks work on both feet is really underrated

Edward Snowden describes Russian government as corrupt

Everyone and everything has a price

LPT Don't shame/mock anyone for being grateful, even *too* grateful.

Just so he knows

LPT: If you ever worried about listening to audio messages from WhatsApp in public, tilt your phone like you normally speak. And the audio will automatically rivert to just the headpiece and you can hear it just like a voice call without sound coming off both sides.

Going to sleep while starting to get sick is such a gamble. You either wake up feeling fine or wake up feeling really sick

Koala and Shia at the zoo

LPT: Cool an entire apartment with a single box fan.

Computers freeze when they get really hot

Teacher Accused of Trying to Hypnotize Students, Forcing Them to Call Him ‘Master’

Big Bird faster

LPT: When someone is feeling down and opens up to you, spend that conversation listening to them.

Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude.

Farting Unicorn Sparks Legal Battle Between Local Artist And Elon Musk

I'm good!

LPT: When going to the beach, use an empty sunscreen bottle to store your valuables. Simply cut it open from the top and you have a protection for your stuff which no one will bother to check!

We throw away children's toys in 2018 that have more processing power than the computer that took man to the moon in 1969.

Your smart fridge could be mining bitcoins for criminals

What kind of bread are you?

LPT: Exercising for 10 minutes a day is more beneficial than killing yourself at the gym once a week.

Toddlers think adults know everything. Kids think that actually they know everything. Teenagers start to realize adults they don't know everything. Adults finally figure out that nobody knows anything.

UCF professor accused of stalking student: 'Be happy that somebody likes you this much to stalk you'

An interesting title

LPT: Saying you appreciate what someone has done for you means much more than a thank you

If you attempt to rob a bank , you will have no trouble with food , water and shelter for the next 10 years of life regardless of ypur success.

People Help Themselves to Piles of Thousands of Onions Found in Middle of Desert

Don't even pretend this isn't true

LPT: If you have an appointment with a physiotherapist, don't show up in jeans.

The Cowardly Lion goes around admitting to people that he’s a coward, which in itself is kinda brave.

UCLA Professor Accidentally Killed His Gay Sub During a BDSM Mishap Involving Plastic Wrap

Damn it google security

LPT: When taking a mental health day, consider leaving the house for half the day (suggestions in post)

All NYC subway stations are in the same building, there's just really long hallways connecting each room

Teachers Still More Effective at Educating Than ‘Assassin’s Creed’

Now it all makes sense

LPT: When a website gives you the "we use cookies" message, don't accept. You will almost always still be able to use the website as normal.

The Wizard of Oz was many people's first exposure to a color film. Decades later, it's many people's first exposure to a black and white film.

St. Paul lounge featuring hatchet-throwing gets liquor license

On their way to Helgen

LPT: if you work on computers for a living, and make less than $57,000 a year on salary. You should be paid hourly instead of salary, and quality for overtime pay. You can sue for four years of back pay. You may also be entitled to 3 times the damages.

2018. The century is currently in its teen years. Which might explain why everyone is so edgy and sensitive about everything.

2 men with 29 wives and 160 children between them sentenced to house arrest following polygamy conviction

They’re not wrong

LPT: when moving into a new apartment check the air conditioning filter and the dryer lint trap. The previous tenants may have never cleaned these thing and the complex rarely checks them.

because atoms are 99.99999999999% empty space, humans are technically just really shitty ghosts that can't pass through walls and have to eat

Man sent back to jail after not paying for taxi ride home from jail

I am guessing both

LPT: don't throw away honey that has crystalised (gone white); instead place it in a pot of hot water or if in a hurry gently warm in the microwave.

Immigrant Toddlers Ordered to Appear in Court Alone: Attys

LPT. If you're visiting a non English speaking country learn how to say " Hello, I'm sorry but I do not speak ......., do you speak English?" in their language, you'll be amazed the response you get.

LPT When you notice someone got a haircut, compliment them on it. They will definitely appreciate it

People who wear glasses or contacts have to pay to see. The rest do for free.

"Smelly" airline passenger who caused emergency landing dies of tissue necrosis, reports say

LPT: When using one of those folding tables outside (for yard sales, outdoor meals, etc.) use a twin sheet for a table cloth. It won't blow away or slide off.

People in sitcoms never laugh at each other's jokes.

"Controlled burn" in Florida accidentally torches dozens of homes across 800 acres

LPT: Put your phone on airplane mode when playing mobile games that constantly try and spam you with ads in between rounds.

There could have been a moment in history were every single human blinked at the same time, but no one noticed as no one saw it.

Canadian cops accused of eating pot-infused chocolate on the job, calling police for help

Florida man!!!!!

LPT: Don't buy cheap tools, borrow what you can't afford until you can

Cocky is the opposite of pussy, both figuratively and anatomically.

The new drug

LPT: When you get a puppy, immediately buy health insurance for it.

Based off of events in the world cup today, if theres one thing that seems to continually unite the world, its defeating the Germans.

West Virginia man charged after police said he threw chicken feces at the Red Hen

Sort by new hero’s

LPT: Replace "" with "" in any YouTube URL in order to bypass country blocks and age restrictions. Doing this also allows you to share YouTube videos without giving them views and helps keep your data private.

People willingly text and drive knowing there's a chance they could kill someone but if cops were allowed to confiscate their phone, they probably wouldnt chance losing it.

Elon Musk drawn into farting unicorn dispute with potter

The sad truth

LPT: If you find it hard to stop snacking, brush your teeth when you've had enough. This gets the taste out if your mouth and lessens the appeal of more food.

Your tongue’s ability to detect hair is underrated.

Immigrant toddlers ordered to appear in court alone

You don’t get it yet!