
Top 10 anime comebacks

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The smell of success? $115 bottles of British air sold to Chinese buyers

LPT: High beams aren’t a permanent fix for your burnt out low beam headlight. Fix it and stop pissing everyone else off.

Let the comments rage

With an ear of corn, you throw away the outside and then cook the inside, then you eat the outside and throw away the inside.

Lab: 13 pounds of white powder seized is sugar, not fentanyl

Fuck oxygen I need WiFi

Medical offices have a lot of nerve asking you to show up 15 minutes early but then not getting to you until 45 minutes after your scheduled time.

FDA warns against eating food prepared with liquid nitrogen

LPT: When painting stairs, paint every other one so you can still use them. When they dry, paint the others.

Parent not home

The elderly are no longer automatically given respect because the state of modern medicine allows them to get old in spite of a lifetime of bad decision making instead of having survived so long through good decision making. Age no longer equals wisdom.

Montgomery County police and local media call pedestrians who were killed “lazy”

We're all same

Losing your voice when you talk too much is your body's way of telling you to stfu

Woman attempted to use acid, alligators to dispose of husband's ex-girlfriend's body

LPT: If you have a hard time getting up in the morning, take some deep breaths to get oxygen to your brain, organs and muscles

People who sort by new

When a prostitute takes her clothes off she is actually putting on her work clothes

Astronauts find hole in the International Space Station, plug it with thumb

LPT: If your friend always self-deprecates to get easy laughs out of people, your friend is probably hurting on the inside, and they're probably self-deprecating to make a joke out of their own self-hatred. Check in on that person today.

Another one

Someone thought of putting clocks on mobile phones so we don't need to look at our watches, then someone else thought of putting phone functions in our watch so we don't need to look at our mobile phones

Former high school student sues district for permanent nipple damage after coach twisted his nipple

LPT: If you want to see the first Whatsapp message with someone, but don't want to scroll all the way up, see if you've sent them any pictures. You can instantly go to the first picture by holding it and pressing "Go to message" and scroll up the remaining messages.

Let us all observe a minute’s silence for Morton

Nobody can insult you like a child can. Not because they are malicious, but because they are honest and very observant.

Natalie Weiner barred from website due to ‘offensive’ surname

LPT: If they have to convince you it's not a pyramid scheme - it's a pyramid scheme!

Change my mind.

Most of the people alive at 11:11 11/11/1111 had no idea there was anything interesting about that moment.

Seniors in care homes not actively looking forward to death

LPT: take a picture of the groom when the bride walks down the aisle.

Does it move?

Fred and George had the maurader's map for years and never thought twice about how Ron had a guy named Peter Pettigrew in his bed every night

LPT: Drastic change (typically) occurs by making small progress daily. Pacing and consistency tends to be much more important than intensity

Everyone Knows This Pain

The sofa people and the door frame people need to sit down and sort out this whole width business.

Goats prefer happy people

LPT: Just let people be wrong, arguing with them could just mean wasted time

The new dating metagame

In the 1960s, people fantasized the 21st century would have robotic vacuums, still have cats as pets, and some visionaries might have even predicted on-demand video. But nobody could have predicted the 21st century would have thousands of on-demand videos depicting cats riding on robotic vacuums.

Snapchat map mislabeled New York City as "Jewtropolis"

It's smug aura haunts me.

At this moment there's a giant perpetually exploding orb in the sky that will blind you if you look at it and the only thing that protects everything from being destroyed by its scorching rays is a magic forcefield generated by a swirling volcano in the planet's core.

KSU student arrested after foot touching

LPT: Incoming college students - write one thorough, well-written introduction about yourself that's touching and genuine in a word document. Then copy and paste it into "introduce yourself" discussion posts for the next four years.

I’ll be damned!

Tesla filed a patent for automatic turn signals for you lazy drivers

LPT: If you are applying for a job via Facebook, be aware that the person looking at your application is one click away from your profile page

Mexicans are simultaneously stereotyped for being lazy and for taking people's jobs.

Snapchat apologizes after map calls New York 'Jewtropolis'

LPT: If you have to pay a company to work for them, it's a scam. Period.

Pray for me

The first human to hear a parrot talk probably wasn’t ok for a few days.

Georgia woman faces felony charges for posing as dentist for years without training

LPT: If your housewarming present isn't cash, wait until the home owners are moved in for a week or two. Your gift may get lost in the sea of boxes; they might also discover something desperately needed after the fact and you can be a hero.

It only took him 15 minutes to complete the painting

College Students are simultaneously stereotyped for not getting enough sleep and for sleeping all the time.

Minnesota House Candidate Tells Voters: 'I Want To Be Your N-Word'

LPT: always assume when you’re put on hold that the other person can still hear you.

thoughts on this??

Patrick Star's face is on his leg

Oops: 'Fentanyl' believed to have $2M street value actually sugar

LPT: Tag your doggos. Please..

Som ting wong

Cheating Pigeons Use High-Speed Train to Win Race in Shanghai

LPT: Use 'K' instead of 'space bar' when watching a Youtube video to pause it. It'll be more reliable as 'Space bar' sometime scroll the page down.

Like for eternal happiness

You ever think about what people will be like in 1000 years? How it's almost impossible to think about? In 1018 somebody thought the same thing. You are the uncomprehendable future they thought about.

Police hunt ‘abusive and hostile’ paraglider after two-year reign of terror on Sussex seaside town

LPT: if you don't know/understand your bank's policy on something, imagine the scenario that is worst for you and best for the bank. That is their policy.

The Sims becomes a lot less interesting a game when you grow up and you have to live the daily challenge of working, paying bills, looking after your family, sleeping with the maid etc

Mom of 5 killed in crash after boyfriend cut her brake lines to make crack pipe, cops say

LPT:When exercising, take pictures of your before, so you can see your progress over time. The first picture you take is your real rival that you must overcome, I know you can.

My Reddit feed

No takers for £25,000 portrait of Nigel Farage

LPT: When you are angry/enraged, stop and ask yourself: “What is the violation?” If the question doesn’t apply, anger is being used to express another underlying emotion: sadness

A nice, relaxing jog

Paw outcome? New Zealand council proposes banning all cats

LPT: When packing for a flight, create a list of all the contents in your luggage in case your bags get lost. Makes the reimbursement process a lot easier to figure out.

Sucks to be them.

Women's clothes designers don't put pockets on women's clothes so they can sell them bags

U.S. man dubbed ‘dine-and-dash dater’ could face 13 years in jail for stiffing dates with the bill

LPT: Never Sign a Contract without reading AND modifying it.

If god exists he's got to have been on a really bad mood when creating these

We are fortunate that farts aren’t as sudden, violent, and difficult to suppress as sneezes.

Dog sitting gone wild: Owner comes home to find shirtless men, lube in living room

LPT: Listen to your favorite songs with high quality headphones at some point. You'll notice tons of small production details you missed before, making you fall in love with them all over again.

Hopefully before the new editions are out

When We were kids, We thought that quicksand and the Bermuda Triangle would be a lot bigger problem than it turned out to be

Woman dies in crash after boyfriend cuts brakes to make crack pipe, police say

LPT: Never put anyone in a "it's them or me" situation. They will always choose the other person because you are forcing an ultimatum.

LPT: When buying a car, always try to go to the dealership near the end of the month. The seller will be more inclined to cut you a deal.

Smart phones killed the alarm clock industry

Mom of 5 killed in crash after boyfriend cut her brake lines to make crack pipe, cops say